
Summertime saga 0.16 save file download

Use any of the mirrors below to download the latest version of Summertime Saga. We have an optional save file available, with all older content/paths  Save files, whether provided by the game team or by other players, have to be downloaded and moved. Please follow  We've just updated the save file to be compatible with our latest update. If you are a Patron supporting us, you can access a unique private download link on  The loading of old save files is now prevented rather than being allowed to crash. have been made to the FSMData and LocationData classes (new savegame objects). This is returning behavior that disappeared in the 0.16 update. 9/10 (639 votes) - Download Summertime Saga Free. Summertime Saga is a point-and-click graphical adventure for Windows conceived similarly to classics of  28 Jul 2018 Summertime Saga download link for all platforms, current version is very poorly with handling old save files in new versions of our game.

Summertime Saga 0.16.0 Apk + Save Data - ApkDark.

We've just updated the save file to be compatible with our latest update. If you are a Patron supporting us, you can access a unique private download link on  The loading of old save files is now prevented rather than being allowed to crash. have been made to the FSMData and LocationData classes (new savegame objects). This is returning behavior that disappeared in the 0.16 update. 9/10 (639 votes) - Download Summertime Saga Free. Summertime Saga is a point-and-click graphical adventure for Windows conceived similarly to classics of  28 Jul 2018 Summertime Saga download link for all platforms, current version is very poorly with handling old save files in new versions of our game. 18 Oct 2019 How To Download & Apply Save Data SummerTime Saga 0.19.1 2018-07-30, Save Data Summertime Saga V 0.16 Unlock Full Cokie Jar.

The loading of old save files is now prevented rather than being allowed to crash. have been made to the FSMData and LocationData classes (new savegame objects). This is returning behavior that disappeared in the 0.16 update.

27 Jul 2018 Summertime saga 0.16 save DOWNLOAD!!! Thonglor Gamer DOWNLOAD 0.16 สำรอง - DOWNLOAD  27 Jul 2018 Summertime Saga 0.16.0 Save Files with Cookie Jar (android) ▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭▭ Watch the full video First for the  31 Jul 2018 Summertime Saga 0.16.1 Save Files with Cookie Jar (android) Hotfix it from cookie jar of summertime saga of my pc when it downloads the  29 Jul 2018 Download the Summertime Saga 0.16 alpha here: Save file for android:  Summertime Saga 0.16.0 Apk + Save Data - ApkDark. Use any of the mirrors below to download the latest version of Summertime Saga. We have an optional save file available, with all older content/paths  Save files, whether provided by the game team or by other players, have to be downloaded and moved. Please follow 

Install the new Modded Summertime Saga apk file. 4. If you have saves from a previous version, move your "summer.time.saga" folder back to "Android/data/"​.

Use any of the mirrors below to download the latest version of Summertime Saga. We have an optional save file available, with all older content/paths  Save files, whether provided by the game team or by other players, have to be downloaded and moved. Please follow  We've just updated the save file to be compatible with our latest update. If you are a Patron supporting us, you can access a unique private download link on  The loading of old save files is now prevented rather than being allowed to crash. have been made to the FSMData and LocationData classes (new savegame objects). This is returning behavior that disappeared in the 0.16 update. 9/10 (639 votes) - Download Summertime Saga Free. Summertime Saga is a point-and-click graphical adventure for Windows conceived similarly to classics of  28 Jul 2018 Summertime Saga download link for all platforms, current version is very poorly with handling old save files in new versions of our game. 18 Oct 2019 How To Download & Apply Save Data SummerTime Saga 0.19.1 2018-07-30, Save Data Summertime Saga V 0.16 Unlock Full Cokie Jar.

Use any of the mirrors below to download the latest version of Summertime Saga. We have an optional save file available, with all older content/paths  Save files, whether provided by the game team or by other players, have to be downloaded and moved. Please follow  We've just updated the save file to be compatible with our latest update. If you are a Patron supporting us, you can access a unique private download link on  The loading of old save files is now prevented rather than being allowed to crash. have been made to the FSMData and LocationData classes (new savegame objects). This is returning behavior that disappeared in the 0.16 update. 9/10 (639 votes) - Download Summertime Saga Free. Summertime Saga is a point-and-click graphical adventure for Windows conceived similarly to classics of 

Install the new Modded Summertime Saga apk file. 4. If you have saves from a previous version, move your "summer.time.saga" folder back to "Android/data/"​.

Save files, whether provided by the game team or by other players, have to be downloaded and moved. Please follow  We've just updated the save file to be compatible with our latest update. If you are a Patron supporting us, you can access a unique private download link on  The loading of old save files is now prevented rather than being allowed to crash. have been made to the FSMData and LocationData classes (new savegame objects). This is returning behavior that disappeared in the 0.16 update. 9/10 (639 votes) - Download Summertime Saga Free. Summertime Saga is a point-and-click graphical adventure for Windows conceived similarly to classics of